
Raising the standard of Building Surveying and proud of what we do!                                                                                                         Contact : Consult : Create

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  • Operation & Maintenance Manuals

    On any medium to large construction projects, there invariably is a lot of information to collect before, during and after the project. The content of an O&M manual varies considerably depending on the size and complexity of the project; a health and safety file it is not but it may contain matters to maintain certain aspect of the project post-completion from a health a safety point of view.

    The O&M manual is a kind of ‘User’s Guide’ to the building.

    An operation and maintenance manual (O&M) defines the requirements and procedures for the effective operation, maintenance, decommissioning (and demolition) of a structure / construction-related building. The O&M manual includes details of the building's construction, history and maintenance, instructions for its operation and maintenance, and guarantees and warranties; ultimately the goal is to preserve an asset so that it continues to provide reliable services throughout its expected useful life.

    If we are appointed to collate an O&M manual before or during a recently commenced project, we can liaise with the Principal Contractor to obtain the specification and contract drawings, or record change in the construction work and begin to collate information for the manual. We can contact manufacturers of materials and products through to connecting with sub-contractors and design team to obtain commissioning certificates and as-built drawings for example.

    If the project is completed it is a little more difficult to obtain such information since the team members involved move on the next project; so, get the collation of information for the O&M Manuals underway as soon as possible!

  • Listed Building Consent

    Listed building consent is a procedure to achieve statutory compliance for construction work to listed buildings. Typical properties include heritage, older and unique buildings or those with architectural interest. 

    We liaise closely with Local Authority Conservation Officers to produce drawing and design work, specifying products and materials that were either used when the building was originally constructed or a sympathetic modern equivalent. This allows us achieve compliance and maintain the character of the original building.

  • Building Surveys

    There are many types of building surveys, the following is an example of the surveys that we can provide.

    Condition Survey - The more basic type of visual survey to provide an overview of the general condition of the property identifying significant issues that warrant attention. The application is for relatively new properties that have no abnormal design features or materials. 

    Full Building Survey - This may also be referred to as "The Structural Survey" which provides a detailed and thorough survey of the property and structure. The survey includes a schedule of defects, explains the defects and consequence of inaction together with advice on maintenance and repairs; this may include budget estimates.

    The application is for older types of properties that may also be in a poor condition. This survey is suitable for properties that have abnormal/ unusual features, materials or where alterations / extensions that may be considered after purchase.

    Generally, not undertaken on flats

    Measured Survey - A measured surveys involve taking measurements of the building and providing accurate drawings illustrating elevations and internal layouts.  

    Stock Condition Survey - Non-intrusive visual surveys that provides an overview of the general condition of the estate and identifies significant issues that warrant attention. 

    New Build Survey - A snagging survey that lists out small cosmetic issues up to and including structural problems. This type of survey is provided when a developer is on site, close to completing the property and prior to purchase. This list can be used to get the developer to sort out any problems quickly and / or under any new build warranty.

  • As Built Drawings

    The various design stages in a construction project can be identified as: -

    • Draft / Feasibility / Preliminary Issue

    • Sketch Designs

    • Planning and / or Building Control Issue

    • Construction Issue (for tendering and
       pricing  purposes)

    • Contract Issue (and subsequent revision)

    • As-Built Issue

    Depending on how robust the design team is, and the complexity of a construction project, as-built drawings should be produced to reflect the finished project. They are the final set of drawings to be issued and typically form part of the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Manual (see separate Leyson Building Consultancy Ltd.’s services).

    It is important that the drawings are accurate as it may facilitate an easier visualisation of future changes / modifications to the building and solving of issues, such as locating services for example.

    Should you require a set of as-built drawings, we can work from either sketch drawings, previous ‘working drawings’ or start afresh with a measured survey. All work is produced in C.A.D (Computer Aided Design) software, with client logos to offer a professional finish on your final project drawings.

  • Planning and Building Control Drawings, Applications and Compliance

    Planning - Once we have completed your design it may be necessary to apply for planning permission (Statutory Approval).

    We will complete all necessary supporting information for your planning application, submit the application and manage the process.

    Building Control - We will provide drawings for the purpose of building control application (Statutory Approval). These are typically working drawings indicating mechanical and electrical layouts, above a below ground drainage, together with thermal heat loss calculations. 

    As with the planning process we will complete all necessary supporting information and manage the building control process.  

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I have known Toby for around 15 years and we have worked together on many projects where Toby was the client. When Toby set up Leyson Building Consultancy the roles have been reversed. Toby has provided our company with various services from planning and building applications, measured surveys, technical design and assistance with delivery of presentations for interview. He is professional in his approach and a knowledgeable resource.

Director (co-owner) Building and Maintenance Contractors



Registered Office

22 Katana House

Fort Fareham Industrial Estate

New Gate Lane



PO14 1AH

Contact Us

Telephone: +44 (0) 7788 720191

        +44 (0) 7771 356657

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