There are many types of building surveys, the following is an example of the surveys that we can provide.
Condition Survey - The more basic type of visual survey to provide an overview of the general condition of the property identifying significant issues that warrant attention. The application is for relatively new properties that have no abnormal design features or materials.
Full Building Survey - This may also be referred to as "The Structural Survey" which provides a detailed and thorough survey of the property and structure. The survey includes a schedule of defects, explains the defects and consequence of inaction together with advice on maintenance and repairs; this may include budget estimates.
The application is for older types of properties that may also be in a poor condition. This survey is suitable for properties that have abnormal/ unusual features, materials or where alterations / extensions that may be considered after purchase.
Generally, not undertaken on flats
Measured Survey - A measured surveys involve taking measurements of the building and providing accurate drawings illustrating elevations and internal layouts.
Stock Condition Survey - Non-intrusive visual surveys that provides an overview of the general condition of the estate and identifies significant issues that warrant attention.
New Build Survey - A snagging survey that lists out small cosmetic issues up to and including structural problems. This type of survey is provided when a developer is on site, close to completing the property and prior to purchase. This list can be used to get the developer to sort out any problems quickly and / or under any new build warranty.